
News – January 2025

Happy (belated) New Year CSFG! We have left all the highs and lows of 2024 behind us, and like a blank page the potential of this year is ready and waiting for us to put our stamp on it. This year is already off to a strong start, and a [...]

2025-02-15T12:01:59+11:001st February, 2025|Tags: |

CSFG’s shiny new newsletter!

If you've ever wanted a better way to stay in touch, look no further! Fun fact: CSFG has been around since 1999. That same year, the Melissa worm attacks the internet and sends porn to over 1,000,000 people, Napster went live and launched the Second Golden Age of Piracy, Australia [...]

2024-03-13T18:41:05+11:0013th March, 2024|

May 2023 Meeting

We'll be having our regular monthly face to face meeting as usual this coming Wednesday 17th May, from 7:30 pm at The Burns Club in Kambah! Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay This will be a regular getting-to-know-you meeting, where we'll talk about what what we're working on [...]

2023-05-10T09:45:34+10:0010th May, 2023|

2023 Kickoff Meeting

CSFG meetings are back! The first face to face and/or online meeting will be held on Wednesday 15 February, from 7:00 pm at the Burns Club in Kambah. Full details are on the Event Calendar. For those who can't make it to the face to face meeting, we will post [...]

2023-02-10T10:26:35+11:0010th February, 2023|Tags: , , |

February 2022 Meeting

Hello all, and welcome (if a little belatedly) to 2022! This year we're hoping to get back to a little more normality with how the guild runs - that is, with a bit more of a focus on the social side and ensuring that along with great educational pieces, we [...]

2023-02-10T10:27:34+11:0014th February, 2022|
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