CSFG member Nicole Murphy has just embarked on a new series of author interviews:
I’ve started a new interview series, about writers, for writers. It’s called ‘Journey to Publication’ and the aim is to eventually have at least 30 authors (published at novel length) talking about how they achieved that goal.
I want to show all the various stories and ways, so that people who haven’t got there (yet!) will know that a) they shouldn’t panic about doing right or wrong things, because there’s a multitude of ways of achieving this and b) maybe find someone whose story resonates with their own and they can find comfort and inspiration from that.
So far, there’s two interviews with romance authors Elsa Winckler and Lisa Ireland. Coming up are Narrelle M Harris, Sean Williams and I’ve got a few more coming on board as well.
See the first interview with Lisa Ireland here.