The CSFG has once again partnered with Conflux Inc to bring you this year’s Conflux Short Story Competition. There’s some awesome prizes on offer, but it closes soon!
(Note the below is directly re-posted from the Conflux website.)
This year’s theme is:
The Unconventional Hero!
We want your tales of 4000 words or under about tales of unconventional heroes, heroines and awesome people of non-specified gender, in any speculative fiction genre.
The competition is open to all Australian residents and members of either the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild or Conflux 14.
Entry is $5, unless you are a member of the CSFG or Conflux 14 or you are aged 16 or under, in which case it is free!
First prize is $200 and a Conflux 15 membership! Second prize is $50 and a discounted Conflux 15 membership, and third prize is $25 and a discounted Conflux 15 membership.
Stories should be written in English, suitable for a general audience (ie, no gratuitous violence or erotica) and, of course, your own original, unpublished work.
Please submit them in the following format: RTF, double spaced, Times New Roman, Ariel or Courier font, with the story title in the top right header.
Make the first page of your document a cover sheet that includes your name, contact details and story title (we’ll remove this before we give it to the judges). YOUR NAME MUST NOT APPEAR ON ANY OF THE OTHER PAGES OF THE STORY.
Get it to us at [email protected] before midnight on 31 July 2018.
Fees can be paid by direct deposit (BSB: 325185 Acct: 03421621 Acct name: Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild) or Paypal to [email protected]. For other options or any more information contact [email protected].
Hi, paid my entry fee via B O’Hagan’s netbank last night.
Hope you received it. Richard.