
A Hand of Knaves is nigh!

Over the last 12 months various bits of the CSFG community have been busy producing a new anthology, and it's almost here! Join us at 5.45pm on Sunday, 30 September at the Vibe Hotel, Canberra Airport, to launch this veritable treasure-box of irresistible delights. Tales of deviousness, delinquency and depravity [...]

Conflux Short Story is closing soon…

The CSFG has once again partnered with Conflux Inc to bring you this year's Conflux Short Story Competition. There's some awesome prizes on offer, but it closes soon! (Note the below is directly re-posted from the Conflux website.) This year’s theme is: The Unconventional Hero! We want your tales of [...]

2019-07-06T18:02:57+10:0023rd July, 2018|Tags: , |

Conflux – Blog roundup

Conflux 12 Red Fire Monkey is done! Convention Book Cover by Shauna O'Meara Here's what our members had to say about it: Elizabeth Fitzgerald's report dives deep into the panels she attended: Part One and Part Two. Tim Napper's report comes primarily from the bar, where the writing [...]

2019-07-06T18:02:59+10:0023rd October, 2016|Tags: , |

AGM and Life Memberships

Committee News This week's CSFG Annual General Meeting saw the turnover of the Committee and the appointment of a new President: Angus Yeates has succeeded Leife Shallcross as the World Dominator-in-Chief of the CSFG. Congratulations to Angus for stepping up to become our human shield glorious leader! Angus is joined [...]

Member News – July 2016

Lots of exciting activity going on with CSFG members during this winter months. Canberra's wet and miserable weather seems to be spurring us to great (indoor) efforts! Sales and Publications Tim Napper's story 'The Great Buddhist Monk Beat Down' will appear in an upcoming edition of Galaxy's Edge Magazine. Tim [...]

CSFG/Conflux 12 Short Story Competition – Red Fire Monkey

The CSFG/Conflux  Short Story competition is back for Conflux 12 We want your stories of 4000 words or under, in any speculative fiction genre, on this year’s theme, which is: red fire monkey. The competition is open to all Australian residents and members of either the Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild or Conflux 12. [...]

2019-07-06T18:03:01+10:005th May, 2016|Tags: , , , , |
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