2024 member updates!
Some highlights from a busy year for CSFG members.
Some highlights from a busy year for CSFG members.
So... uh. This year has been a lot, huh?
Cyberpunk futures, killer roos, and love and lust and romance!
A short story, some sweet new books to add to the Christmas list, and it's time to write... here!
Have a spoopy, scary member news update!
So many news! So little time!
Book releases, anthology updates, and WorldCon write-ups (oh my!).
Book releases, WorldCons, local cons, anthologies, and more!
We have a world of news to catch up on since our last update, which only goes to show that life can move pretty fast if you're not paying attention (or if you just neglect your blog for several months over a very hot summer!) World's Finest! One of the [...]
With the busy business of Conflux and the CSFG AGM now behind us, it's time to celebrate the wins, the milestones and the culmination of grand schemes that take us ever closer to our perhaps-overshared secret goal of WORLD DOMINATION! In other words, here's what our lovely and brilliant members [...]