
Member News – November 16-January 17

We have a world of news to catch up on since our last update, which only goes to show that life can move pretty fast if you're not paying attention (or if you just neglect your blog for several months over a very hot summer!) World's Finest! One of the [...]


GUFF is the Get Up and Over Fan Fund. This fund sends a delegate to a major convention (sometimes to more than one) at the other side of the world. Jukka Halme came to Australia early in 2016, representing European fandom. CSFG's own Gillian Polack represented Australasia at Loncon, Liburnicon [...]

2020-02-25T12:32:41+11:006th October, 2016|Tags: , , |

Fantastic Verses

by Tim Roberts (at While I was having fun browsing various dealer tables and stalls at Worldcon in Chicago last year (Chicon7), I discovered some fine and intriguing collections  of poems among all the anthologies, novels and books about Speculative Fiction. I ended up buying four different collection of [...]

2019-07-06T22:05:13+10:0026th March, 2013|Tags: , , |
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