Member news: August-September 2019.
Book releases, anthology updates, and WorldCon write-ups (oh my!).
Book releases, anthology updates, and WorldCon write-ups (oh my!).
Book releases, WorldCons, local cons, anthologies, and more!
You might ask what we've been doing lately... For our April 2018 meeting last month, we had a fantastic workshop delivered by Rob Porteous on 'Putting science into Science Fiction'. Rob is the organiser of the CSFG Novel Writing group (see the 'what we do' section to find out more) [...]
We have a world of news to catch up on since our last update, which only goes to show that life can move pretty fast if you're not paying attention (or if you just neglect your blog for several months over a very hot summer!) World's Finest! One of the [...]
Lots of exciting activity going on with CSFG members during this winter months. Canberra's wet and miserable weather seems to be spurring us to great (indoor) efforts! Sales and Publications Tim Napper's story 'The Great Buddhist Monk Beat Down' will appear in an upcoming edition of Galaxy's Edge Magazine. Tim [...]
Just a late reminder that Gillian Polack is presenting a workshop tomorrow at the Gorman Arts Centre. No guarantees that places are still available but if you are interested check the contact details at the bottom of the post. How to Use History in Your Novel with Gillian Polack 10am-4pm [...]
Awards The Australian Horror Writers Association recently announced the winners for the 2015 Australian Shadows Awards, representing the very best in horror works produced by Australian and New Zealand writers in the calendar year of 2015. CSFG members taking home the incredibly cool Shadow Award statues this year included: Best [...]
Update: Edited to correct the spelling of Rivqa's name - sorry Rivqa! Awards Season Several of the major Australian genre awards are upon us, with nominations recently announced for the Aurealis and Ditmar Awards. CSFG members were well-represented on the shortlists: In the Aurealis Awards shortlist: Kimberley Gaal featured with [...]
Canberra and Canberra-adjacent members should check out the newly-updated Workshops and Courses page. You will find details of a number of short courses for writers being offered in the first half of 2016 by CSFG members Chris Andrews, Ian McHugh and Gillian Polack.
CSFG members may be interested in this upcoming course at ANU's Centre for Continuing Education. The course is called "Search for Life" and covers the progress science has made on answering the question "Are we alone in the universe?" The course is aimed at the general public and will consist [...]