by Tim Roberts (at
While I was having fun browsing various dealer tables and stalls at Worldcon in Chicago last year (Chicon7), I discovered some fine and intriguing collections of poems among all the anthologies, novels and books about Speculative Fiction. I ended up buying four different collection of poems: two solo collections and two anthologies. I’ll give a brief overview of each book and, for the first three, a short note about the respective poets. The anthology has its own list of biographical notes and there are too many individual poets to reasonably cover in this post. Each book title will also show publisher/s and year of first or publication of most recent/current edition.
Robot: poetry by Jason Christie
The Animal Bridegroom, by Sandra Kasturi
Ancient Tales, Grand Deaths and Past Lives: a collection of speculative verse by Colleen Anderson
The Stars As Seen from this Particular Angle of Night: an anthology of speculative verse, edited by Sandra Kasturi