With the busy business of Conflux and the CSFG AGM now behind us, it’s time to celebrate the wins, the milestones and the culmination of grand schemes that take us ever closer to our perhaps-overshared secret goal of WORLD DOMINATION!
In other words, here’s what our lovely and brilliant members have achieved over the past few months that they would like to share with the world.
It’s a pretty huge deal to get a publishing contract, so we’re very pleased to have not one but two members with exciting book deals to announce:
Sam Hawke has taken the first step toward an exciting publishing debut with a two book deal with Tor. Her first novel, City of Lies, is the first book in The Poison Wars epic fantasy series. Here’s the official Tor announcement! And here’s what Sam had to say over at her blog: My Best Boring Story (hint: it’s not boring, it’s super exciting!)
Zena Shapter has announced the sale of her new novel Towards White to IWFG Publishing. (Here’s the press release) And as if that were not enough,just this week Zena launched the middle grade science fiction novel Into Tordon (co-written by 9! authors under the name Z. F Kingbolt) from Midnight Sun. Check it out!
Phill Berrie‘s novel Transgressions (Book One of the Engelian Transformations series) has been out in ebook for a while, but Satalyte Publishing recently launched the hardcopy version at Conflux.
Short Stories
Simon Petrie put his novelette ‘All the Colours of the Tomato” through the CSFG critiquing group a few years ago. This month it appeared in Dimension6 magazine #9, available for free download from Couer de Lion. For a much quicker read, Simon’s very short story ‘Jumping to Conclusions’ featured recently at Anti SF online magazine.
Leife Shallcross has a story called ‘Breathing’ in this month’s Aurealis #95 (which went out to subscribers as I was writing this post, so consider it hot off the presses!)
Zena Shapter‘s had a busy few months. As well as her novels, her story ‘Made’ is about to appear in the anthology Let Us In Volume 3 from Time Alone Press. As well as that, her story ‘Let the Tempest Hold Me Down’ has been included in the new collection of stories Sci Phi Journal, Q1 2016: The Journal of Science Fiction and Philosophy (Volume 1).
Congratulations to everyone on the great work!