It’s officially awards season for the Australian spec fic community.
The two major speculative genre awards in Australia are the Ditmar Awards, which are the awards attached to the Australian National Science Fiction Convention (this year that’s Swancon 40 in Perth), and the Aurealis Awards, which will be awarded in Canberra on 11 April 2015 (get your tickets here!). The Ditmars are voted by members of the Australian speculative fiction community, while the Aurealis Awards winners are selected by panels of judges across a range of speculative categories.
CSFG is very proud to acknowledge its members who have made the shortlists for their work in 2014:
Ditmar Awards
Alan Baxter for Bound (Best Novel)
Alan Baxter for “The Darkness in Clara” (SQ Mag 14) – Best Novella or Novelette
Cat Sparks for “The Seventh Relic” (Phantazein) – Best Short Story
Tehani Wessely (Editor) for Phantazein – Best Collected Work
Shauna O’Meara – Best New Talent
Tehani Wesselly (with Jo Anderton and Alexandra Pierce in A Conversational Life) for The Eddings Reread series – nominated for the William Atheling Jr Award for Criticism or Review.
Tehani Wesselly (with David McDonald and Tansy Rayner Roberts) for the Reviewing New Who series – nominated for the William Atheling Jr Award for Criticism or Review.
Aurealis Awards
Alan Baxter for Obsidian – Best Horror Novel
Liz Argall for “Falling Leaves” (Apex Magazine) – Best YA Short Story
Tehani Wessely (Editor) for Phantazein – Best Anthology
Simon Petrie for Difficult Second Album – Best Collection
Ian McHugh for Angel Dust – Best Collection
Good luck to all the nominees!