For something slightly different, Twelfth Planet Press is currently running a Kickstarter for Winter’s Tale, a children’s book illustrated by the CSFG’s very own Shauna O’Meara.

From the official announcement:

We’re excited to be branching out into children’s fiction with our new imprint, Titania Books. And you can join us! Winter’s Tale is especially dear to our hearts because we believe it’s so important to provide books for non-binary, agender and gender questioning young people who deserve to see characters like themselves in media. We also believe it’s important for cisgender children to read about characters who are not like them, as this can help build empathy and raise questions that are relevant to current society.

We can’t wait for you all to get to know Winter, the child protagonist of our story, through their magical journey to find a family who fits, thanks to [Nike Sulway]’s beautiful words and Shauna’s delightful artwork.

Sound awesome? It’s awesome. So go check it, and the fabulous backers rewards on offer, out now!