


Next, Edited by Simon Petrie and Robert Porteous.

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Sequence. Succession. Cause and effect.  Show us what happened.  Next.

Next suggests ‘change’, perhaps, but it doesn’t have to invoke change, it can simply be an account of cause-and-effect.  Soemtimes it’s the absence of change, the sense of inevitability, that gives the story its terrible power and its resonance.  Or it might be a rite-of-passage; of invention and exploration; of the testing and transgression of boundaries; or a story laden with doom or hope or just the inevitability of inescapable repetition.  Yup, this theme is a theme for all seasons; it’s a cut and come again theme that can mean pretty much whatever people want it to mean.

The selected stories range far and wide across all aspects of the speculative genres, from gentle fantasy to full-blooded dystopian SF to hackle-bristling psychological horror, while also canvassing in its sweep whimsy, adventure, romance, parody, and tragedy.

USD 4.99 ebook also available from SmashwordsKobo Books, and Barnes & Noble.

Read Simon Petrie’s Next Big Thing post about the book here.

Stories and authors

The Ninety Two Claire McKenna
Imported Goods – Aisle Nine David Versace
Of Starfish Tides Suzanne J Willis
Almost Beautiful Angela Rega
On the Wall Nicky Rowlands
Wooden Heart Tracie McBride
Cause and Effect Martin Livings
Next cried the Faun Edwina Harvey
The Electrician and the Circus Steve Simpson
The Dream Tracker Shauna O’Meara
A Dream of Something More Robert Phillips
Those Days Daniel Simpson
Vandiemensland Ian McHugh
Someone’s Daughter Gillian Polack
A Little Warning Leife Shallcross
Ned Kelly and the Zombies Craig Cormick
The Cat and the Zombies Chris McGrane
The Room Catherine Whittle
Casino Five Helen Stubbs
The Wild Hunt Richard L Lagarto
Animal the Colour of Waiting Adam Browne
The Midway Hotel Kris Ashton
When Money Talks Ross C Hamilton
Phoenix Down Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Gambler’s Blues David Coleman
Hell is where the Heart is Janeen Webb
Stories in the Square Daniel Baker
Girl finds Key Chris Large
Quantum Echoes Alan Baxter
Here’s Glory For You Richard Harland

Editors: Simon Petrie & Rob Porteous


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