general meetings

General members’ meeting

The CSFG holds its monthly members’ meetings on the third Wednesday of each month (excluding January) from 7:00-9:00pm. The meetings take place on the third Wednesday every month at the Burns Club, in Kambah. The members’ meetings are for updating members on CSFG business such as anthologies and other activities, [...]

2017-08-17T00:18:01+10:0017th August, 2017|Tags: |

General members’ meeting

The CSFG holds its monthly members’ meetings on the third Wednesday of each month (excluding January) from 7:00-9:00pm. The meetings take place on the third Wednesday every month at the Burns Club, in Kambah. The members’ meetings are for updating members on CSFG business such as anthologies and other activities, [...]

2017-08-17T00:18:01+10:0017th August, 2017|Tags: |

General members’ meeting

The CSFG holds its monthly members’ meetings on the third Wednesday of each month (excluding January) from 7:00-9:00pm. The meetings take place on the third Wednesday every month at the Burns Club, in Kambah. The members’ meetings are for updating members on CSFG business such as anthologies and other activities, [...]

2017-08-17T00:18:01+10:0017th August, 2017|Tags: |

General members’ meeting

The CSFG holds its monthly members’ meetings on the third Wednesday of each month (excluding January) from 7:00-9:00pm. The meetings take place on the third Wednesday every month at the Burns Club, in Kambah. The members’ meetings are for updating members on CSFG business such as anthologies and other activities, [...]

2017-08-17T00:18:01+10:0017th August, 2017|Tags: |

CSFG in June and July

For those who weren't able to make it to our June meeting, we road-tested our new venue - the Metis room upstairs at the Canberra City Hellenic Club. This proved to be a bit of a winner, with members taking advantage of the opportunity to grab a coffee or a [...]

2019-07-06T17:55:38+10:006th July, 2017|Tags: , |

And now, a message from the President

What we’ve been discussing at the CSFG... ...and what’s up next. Here at the CSFG we’re always trying to challenge ourselves – push our craft of writing into what might be unfamiliar or challenging areas – and by doing so become more dynamic writers. So, for our May meeting, we [...]

2019-07-06T17:55:39+10:003rd June, 2017|Tags: |

Membership fees raised

The CSFG Committee agreed at the March meeting to raise annual membership fees. As of 16 March 2017, memberships will be at the following rates: General membership - $30.00 Concessional membership - $20.00 Outer Canberra membership - $10.00 The Committee regrets this unavoidable increase. The hike in membership rates is [...]

2019-07-06T20:38:29+10:0016th March, 2017|Tags: , , |

AGM and Life Memberships

Committee News This week's CSFG Annual General Meeting saw the turnover of the Committee and the appointment of a new President: Angus Yeates has succeeded Leife Shallcross as the World Dominator-in-Chief of the CSFG. Congratulations to Angus for stepping up to become our human shield glorious leader! Angus is joined [...]

Late notice for August meeting

For anyone that did not catch the news via social media, be advised that CSFG's August meeting will be back in the ACT Writers Centre. 7:30 pm Wednesday 17 August 2016 ACT Writers Centre Meeting Room Gorman House Author Felicity Banks will be there to talk about writing interactive fiction [...]

2019-07-06T17:55:22+10:0016th August, 2016|Tags: |


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