
A Flurry of Launches

CSFG members have a veritable outburst of book launches happening in the new couple of weeks: Felicity Banks' debut steampunk adventure novel Heart of Brass will launch as part of the Canberra Writers Festival in the Ferguson Room at the National Library on Saturday 27th August at 10 am. (Details [...]

2019-06-26T08:39:46+10:0018th August, 2016|Tags: , , |

Romance for Speculative Fiction Readers

Over at her Earl Grey Editing blog, Elizabeth Fitzgerald is providing a few recommendations for introductory reading in speculative works that double as a gateway to the romance genre (or vice versa). As anyone who has attended the multidimensional GenreCon convention in recent years can attest, there's a lot for [...]

2016-02-19T13:00:42+11:0019th February, 2016|Tags: , , |

Blog highlight – CSFG anthologies and community

CSFG Secretary Elizabeth Fitzgerald has been running a series of interviews over at her Earl Grey Editing Services blog around the theme of the writing community (also tea). In a recent installment of "Brewing Community", Ian McHugh, one of the editors of CSFG's upcoming anthology The Never Never Land, talked [...]

2019-07-06T21:09:18+10:0024th July, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

July meeting rescheduled

Please note that due to building work at Gorman House, our next general meeting at the ACT Writers Centre will be at 7:30 pm on WEDNESDAY 22 JULY. This meeting will replace the usual 3rd Wednesday meeting, which would have been held on the 15th. This month's meeting will have [...]

2019-07-06T17:55:25+10:0023rd June, 2015|Tags: , |

Reading for Writing Part 2

President Leife concludes her thoughts on why she reads what she reads. See Part 1 here. In my last post, I talked about how being a writer has limited my capacity as a reader. But I don’t want to give the impression that I don’t read any more. Far from it. [...]

2019-08-01T07:57:47+10:0028th February, 2015|Tags: , |

Reading for Writing Part 1

President Leife Shallcross kicks off the 2015 discussions with some musing on some CSFG'ers recent encounter with a literary hero and how reading is a vital ingredient of writing. This essay is crossposted from Leife's website. I’ve had quite a literary week. On Monday I went to see the entertaining [...]

2019-12-18T06:56:04+11:0024th February, 2015|Tags: , , |
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