
Interview with Donna Maree Hanson

by Ian McHugh With the (then) impending release of her new novel Shatterwing, part one of Dragon Wine, I interviewed Donna Hanson about her long-time passion project. Because I’m a slacker, Shatterwing is now out in the world and the sequel, Skywatcher, is on its way on October 9. The [...]

2019-08-01T07:57:46+10:005th October, 2014|Tags: , , |

Epic interview with Simon Dewar

by Ian McHugh With the forthcoming release of his first fiction anthology, Suspended in Dusk, I interviewed editor Simon Dewar about chutzpah, the importance of having no concept of level of difficulty, the horror of caesarian sections and the inspirational value of Mariah Carey and prog metal. Oh, and some [...]

2019-07-06T20:46:40+10:0028th August, 2014|Tags: , , |

CSFG Member News (July 2014)

Events Gillian Polack is guest of honour at Liburnicon in Croatia Sales and Publications Gillian has sold more than three books to Satalyte Publishing, including Langue[dot]doc 1305, which will have a pre-release at Loncon. Donna Hanson, writing as Dani Kristoff, has a new book out from HarperImpulse, The Sorceror's Spell. Donna [...]

2019-12-18T06:55:33+11:0011th August, 2014|Tags: , , , , |

New interview series by Nicole Murphy

CSFG member Nicole Murphy has just embarked on a new series of author interviews: I've started a new interview series, about writers, for writers. It's called 'Journey to Publication' and the aim is to eventually have at least 30 authors (published at novel length) talking about how they achieved that [...]

2019-07-06T20:46:42+10:0030th July, 2014|Tags: |

Interview with Alan Baxter

by Ian McHugh With the impending release of Bound, the first book of his new Alex Caine series, I interviewed Alan Baxter about babies, writing fu, elevator pitches and how real men (like us) never squee. Bound (Alex Caine #1) Alex Caine is a martial artist fighting in illegal cage [...]

2019-07-06T20:46:44+10:0029th May, 2014|Tags: |

Interview with Patty Jansen

by Ian McHugh Following the release of her new e-book, Innocence Lost – part one of her For Queen and Country saga – I interviewed Patty Jansen about the new book, self-publishing and her writing process. This will be the first in an occasional series of interviews with CSFG members [...]

2019-11-07T14:02:26+11:0018th April, 2014|Tags: , |

Interview with Shauna O’Meara

CSFG's most recent Writers of the Future Contest winner, Shauna O'Meara, has been interviewed at the Sputnik's Orbit blog, about liking spiders, winning at Donkey Kong and being able to warble like an Australian Magpie, among other matters of grave importance. Oh, and writing.

2019-07-06T20:46:48+10:0031st March, 2014|Tags: |


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