
The Writing Process

by Zena Shapter (writing at The writing process is how a writer (consciously or subconsciously) sets about writing what they do. Every writer has their own process, and I’ve talked before about the similarities and differences between writing as a pantser or as a planner (see here). Still, while [...]

2018-06-18T09:10:28+10:006th March, 2014|Tags: , |

Musings on Writing

CSFG member and novelist Nicole Murphy has resumed her Monday Musings on Writing blog. The latest instalment is on the choreography of sex scenes. The previous instalment was on the sensuality of sex scenes. The one before that was on 'the what and the why' of sex scenes. The one [...]

2018-04-17T15:29:43+10:0010th February, 2014|Tags: , |

On Turning Ideas Into Stories

by Ian McHugh (writing at So, having an idea for a story and having a story are two different things. “Well, duh,” you might say. But the difference between the two isn’t just words. Having a notion that the world is round is an idea. A story is like [...]

2018-04-18T09:50:21+10:006th February, 2014|Tags: , |

On passing the Bechdel Test

by Ian McHugh (writing at I’ve been talking with my little girl, age 8, about how stories work. This started a couple of years ago when we read the first of Cressida Cowell’s How To Train Your Dragon books. When the hero, Hiccup, got exiled from his Viking tribe at about [...]

2018-04-18T09:50:20+10:0024th January, 2014|Tags: , |


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