
CSFG Member News (November 2014)

It’s been quite a while since we’ve updated our member news. Here’s a probably-incomplete roundup of the action since July: Novels Donna Maree Hanson’s Dragon Wine duology has launched from Momentum books: Shatterwing and Skywatcher Alan Baxter’s Alex Caine series is now out from Harper Collins in Australian and New [...]

2019-11-07T14:02:15+11:004th November, 2014|Tags: , , , |

Epic interview with Simon Dewar

by Ian McHugh With the forthcoming release of his first fiction anthology, Suspended in Dusk, I interviewed editor Simon Dewar about chutzpah, the importance of having no concept of level of difficulty, the horror of caesarian sections and the inspirational value of Mariah Carey and prog metal. Oh, and some [...]

2019-07-06T20:46:40+10:0028th August, 2014|Tags: , , |

Writing Retreats

Guest post by Donna Hanson As writers we know that writing is all about the writer and the writing medium, be it pen and paper, keyboard and blank screen. Put in a nutshell, writing is the transferring of ideas from one’s head to the written word—a lonely endeavour that only [...]

2020-08-02T11:46:22+10:0017th March, 2014|Tags: , , , , |

The Elements of Novels

Guest post by Chris Andrews Eleventeen years ago (clearly too many to count) I decided on a brilliant Get Rich Quick Scheme, or GRQS for complexity. It involved writing a Number-One International Bestselling Novel and retiring before I’d left my teens. To a kid without any real-world experience it seemed [...]

2019-08-01T07:57:36+10:008th March, 2014|Tags: , , , |


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